
Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I finally got my pics from my short but really cool trip to Eastbourne!

That made me think a lot about last Summer... I definelety think it has been one of the best Summers of all my life: living my own life in London doing exactly what I wanted to do at all times, travelling around England, hanging around with my sexy fireman and going to all those Punk gigs in Camden, Islington and Oxford!

I dont really know what I am gonna do next summer or where I am gonna be living. "Living la vida loca", I guess ;-)

I know now, for sure, that I am gonna be happy, smiling and loving Life as it is amazingly beautiful to live.

Love Always, Carmen

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Sunrise in Madrid

I woke up this morning with the sun on my face.
It is cold now in Madrid, almost like winter time, with about 3 degrees on the street. But the great thing about this city is its light. No matter how cold it is, there is still SunLight in the morning.

Let´s start a new day with the best feelings, with all the Energy I´ve got on me. All the positive energy the sun brings me cause I am made of Madrid´s sunlight, that is why I have a Sun-tattoo on my back.

Thanks Yaiza for this picture.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I thought I was ready for a new life.
But I now think I was maybe wrong.
I wanna be strong enough to live here and dont miss anything about London, be emotionally independent... which I think is the only way to be able to start again. Now, today, just now... I feel weak. No se puede jugar a una sola carta, I guess.

I would like to be selfish, but I cannot. I would like to think only about me and about my own happyness. Forget about all who put me in hell, who broke my precious heart once! But I cannot, it is still not easy to live through pain. "If u live through this with me, I swear I will die for u".
I would like to go out there and show everybody that I am strong, that I am a fighter, that I can fight for life again, as I was doing when I first arrive in London. It is hard, well, noone ever told me it was an easy task.

Noone ever told me Life was easy.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Xmas Tree

This year I´ve got a very special Xmas Tree. Rosy came straight from Fraguel Rock to help Lisa and me with the ornaments for our Ikea tree!

We stayed awake till late decorating the tree, it was a cold night outdoors, but a nice time at home.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Last Days and Kurt´s JagStang

I just cannot understand how much I love the principal song of the Gust Van Sant´s movie Last Days.
I know I am kind of obsessed about Kurt Cobain, I love his work and I have read so many biographies that I am pretty sure I can just write one myself. But it is still amazing how many times I can hear that song without getting tired of it. That song sounds just like Kurt´s...

You can hear it too in www.lastdaysmovie.com

And it is actually Michael Pitt´s song... he is just great on that film. I was so lucky at the premiere in London´s Curzon to be a part of the press conference with Pitt. He is such a great actor, and looking at him from the 3rd row, I was completely hypnotized from his pale blue eyes...