
Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I thought I was ready for a new life.
But I now think I was maybe wrong.
I wanna be strong enough to live here and dont miss anything about London, be emotionally independent... which I think is the only way to be able to start again. Now, today, just now... I feel weak. No se puede jugar a una sola carta, I guess.

I would like to be selfish, but I cannot. I would like to think only about me and about my own happyness. Forget about all who put me in hell, who broke my precious heart once! But I cannot, it is still not easy to live through pain. "If u live through this with me, I swear I will die for u".
I would like to go out there and show everybody that I am strong, that I am a fighter, that I can fight for life again, as I was doing when I first arrive in London. It is hard, well, noone ever told me it was an easy task.

Noone ever told me Life was easy.


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