
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I Love New York

New York City, Sep 18th - 24th 2006. This has been the best trip of all my life, seriously. Everyday was a different story in many ways.

I walked all around Manhattan... I love it sooo much. That´s what I love about big cities, their crowded life, their energy. It´s like a huge laboratory of knowledge, if that makes sense. It is the fact of meeting people from every single part of the world and be surrounded by all different cultures and traditions. You can go to a fancy rest and eat Vietnamese food, for example, or go to a jazz gig in Harlem or maybe walk around Little Italy cause there is this fair for the San Gennaro festivity on the neighbourhood. Pretty crazy and I love it. That´s the amazing thing about the Big Apple, that it can offer you a different life everyday... all new, all exciting.

Dead Kennedys live at the CBGB was the best of all of it, I guess. It was great to see how the Punk Scene is alive over there and how everybody loves the same music than me... I feel bit lonely about that here in Spain. But I also loved every journey in subway or bus, geeting mixed with all the newyorkers and feeling like one of them... somebody I would love to be...

Oh! New York, New York...


  • At 1:33 PM, Blogger Javi said…

    Te debía este comentario... Yo soy menos punki, pero el CBGB's somos todos... Así que, en pequeñas dosis, te envidio un poco...

    EEUU es tan tocho que está claro que NY es un buen destino para empezar a conocerlo.

    Besosss candyflossos!!!

  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger PunkPrincess-x said…

    Pues ya sabes, a NYC!!!!
    La verdad es que flipas, que NY es como un pais completamente distinto a California, por ejemplo. Los Angeles es tb increible.

    Gracias x el comentario, que tal en Paris?



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